Welcome. I started a design studio in 2012 to partner with clients and creatives to create thoughtful, purpose-led design solutions. I have extensive experience with major brands and non-profits alike. And I enjoy working closely with my clients to creatively solve problems and engage audiences — collaboratively and inclusively. I’m always interested in delving into something new. Please don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s explore and create together!
Partial Client List
Accelitas • Brolly Arts • Buckelew Programs • Catholic Charities SF • Cisco • ClassTracker • Clearspeed • Cultivate • Digilock • Flax Art & Design • Levi’s • Mill47 • Motion Institute • Plants + Science • Project Genius • Restoration Hardware • SalesHood • SkyAngels • Slide Ranch • Smith & Hawken • The North Face • Visa • VMware
Brooke is remarkable — talented, patient and easy to work with.
Alex Martin
CEO, Clearspeed
Brooke is the best at combining collaboration and design sense of anyone I’ve ever worked with.
Larry Zulch
CEO, Savvius
Brooke has not only guided HeadsUp and helped to develop its brand and messaging; she’s also brought its mission to life for thousands of San Rafael City School families and supporters. She’s a gifted designer, creator and collaborator. She’s smart as hell. And she’s just the best person I know.
Amy Jonak
HeadsUp Board of Directors
It is impossible to quantify the impact Brooke has had in making others understand who and what HeadsUp is. Her expertise in design hasn't merely communicated our mission and culture, it has helped form them.
Alicia Klein
HeadsUp Board President